Work Comparison
The boss/manager in A&P is different than the boss in Bartleby. The boss in Bartleby seemed to more caring. Even though he fired Bartleby, he gave him extra pay, and also a recommendation. In A&P, The store manager didn't care too much about the girls dressed inappropriately or his worker; however, the manager said "don't do this, your family would be disappointed" or something along those lines. I think this makes you feel sorry for the workers/shoppers.
Both of these stories' workers are unproductive at work. In A&P, he had nothing better to do than watch the girls every single move. In the other story, Bartleby refuses to do most of his job, and although the other workers do their job, they aren't very productive. I feel like this makes the reader want to feel a connection to these workers; we all get bored at work, and wish we didn't have to.
Both Bartleby and the worker in A&P don't care about losing their jobs. in A&P, he was bored, and quit his job over a girl which he didn't even know If she would still be outside. In Bartleby, He just flat out refuses to work. Again, I feel like this makes us symphonize for the workers, and make us feel like we're in a similar situation with our own work.
While you've made some interesting claims, the assignment asks you to point to specific textual evidence to make your case. For example, how can you prove that Bartleby doesn't care about losing his job? What behavior suggests that? Likewise, in terms of productivity, we DO see more of the "A & P" narrator doing his job than Bartleby.